That's right, we had a real life Hollywood actress shopping in Armstrong's Grassmarket store this weekend! And incase you haven't guessed who it was by the ridiculous blog post title, we're talking about the beautiful Nicole Kidman! Reportedly filming in Edinburgh, alongside Colin Firth, in their new movie The Railway Man; she took some time off on Saturday and went shopping for vintage dresses.
She bought two lovely original vintage, 30s and 50s dresses and even took the time to write a testimonial in our visitors book!

The dress pictured is one of the actual dresses she bought and we feel it captures the angel-like essence she always seems to have about her! Carol, owner of Armstrong's and Son. said "...she just kind of floated around."
I'm sure you'll agree the above image of her wearing Chanel epitomises this statement!
She also managed to compose a short message and sign our visitors book.
It reads "Beautiful Shop - ♥ xxx"
Now lets all keep our eyes peeled for when she reveals herself in these vintage beauties on the red carpet! And fingers crossed she finds the time to recommend us to an A-list friend... or two!
This is amazing! And that dress is STUNNING! x